Guardians of the Galaxy Vol. 2
With the second installation of Guardians of the Galaxy making its world premiere, we were tasked to show the fans around the globe that the boys (and girls) are back.
Original Designs
We designed a fully customizable in-theater experience for GOTG international. These theaters built these experiences for theater goers to take pictures and share on their social channels.
Fans Worldwide
Fans around the world took pictures and shared their experiences with their social network.
Fans Worldwide
Fans around the world took pictures and shared their experiences with their social network.
AD/Designer: Wallace Bridges Jr.
ACD/AD: Reha Baydar
CW: Miguel Caballero
ECD: Glenn Sanders
The Nod | Turner Broadcasting SystemBroadcast PSA
Launch | QuibiDigital + Social
A Taste of Honesty | LightlifeDigital + Social
The Whispering Billboard | AMCActivation/Stunt
The Haunting Comes Home | The ConjuringSocial Campaign
The Last Jedi | Star WarsSocial Campaign
Run | AlienSocial Campaign
Blend Out | VANSIntegrated
There's More Inside You | GUIntegrated Campaign
The Force | DoritosBroadcast